Workshop: Support to the development of the policies in the area of Resource Efficiency

Workshop: Support to the development of the policies in the area of Resource Efficiency, Circular Economy and Green Public Procurement

The aim of the Workshop is to enable support of the Republic of Slovenia regarding policy development in the area of resource efficiency, circular economy and green public procurement by raising awareness of civil servants from relevant institutions on trends and best case examples from EU and Slovenia. It aims to support the effort of Montenegro towards achieving strategic goal regarding greening of its economy and competitiveness in line with EU Agenda 2020.

Cilj radionice je da obezbjedi podršku Republike Slovenije u oblasti razvoja politika za efikasno korišćenje prirodnih resursa, kroz upoznavanje predstavnika/ica javne uprave Crne Gore sa trendovima EU i iskustvima Republike Slovenije u oblasti efikasnog korišćenja prirodnih resursa, cirkularne ekonomije, zelenih javnih nabavki i programiranja mjera. Ovim projektom se želi doprinijeti naporima u postizanju strateškog cilja Crne Gore da se smanji razlika između potrošnje resursa i prosječne potrošnje resursa u EU te da crnogorska ekonomija postane zelenija i konkurentnija, a u skladu s Agendom Evropa 2020.

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