Water is always “IN”

Activity Water is always “IN” will take place in Primary school Banija on 27th of May 2019 from 9:00-12:00 and at Wastewater Treatment Plant on 30th of May 2019. from 10:00-11:00

Karlovac is city of water: we have four rivers and clean fresh water.

Water and wastewater Ltd. takes care of fresh water and waste water in a way that makes our environment happy. We will share that happiness with school kids in activity called „ Water is always „IN“  We will have 2 workshops/presentation: „ A 100 years old story“ and „ 8 years of clean rivers“. It is story about long tradition of fresh water and inovation when it comes to treatment of wastewater. In this activity, we will have help from our slovenian friends from organization Water agency . They will bring their mobile Water station to school yard and kids will learn about water in practical way. There will be talking, asking, drawing and quiz solveing.

 Second activity is Press conference on theme: 8 years of clean rivers. It is story about our Wastewater Treatment Plant, which started to work on 30th of May 2011 and since that day, purified 50 000 000 m3 of wastewater. The result is clean rivers.

Karlovac je grad vode: ima četiri rijeke i zdravu pitku vodu. Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o. brine o pitkoj i otpadnim vodama na način koji okoliš čini sretnim. Tu sreću podijelit ćemo sa školskom djecom kroz aktivnost Voda je uvijek "IN". Imat ćemo dvije radionice: Priča stara 100 godina i 8 godina čistih rijeka. To je priča o dugoj tradiciji kada je u pitanju pitka voda te o inovaciji u tretiranju otpadnih voda. U ovoj aktivnosti pridružit će nam se kolege iz slovenske Vodne agencije koji će dovesti mobilnu Vodnu postaju te će djeca o vodi učiti na praktičan način. Biti će pričanja, crtanja i rješavanja kvizova.

Druga aktivnost je konferencija za medije na temu: osam godina čistih rijeka. To je priča o uređaju za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda koji je s radom započeo 30.5.2011. i od tada pročistio 50 000 000 m3 otpadnih voda. Rezultat su čiste rijeke.

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