Water Agents of Savinja Region

Through the project Water agent and Herman the Fox children indicates a change in daily habits, problems of pollution and waste water treatment, water cycles in nature and urban communities etc.

Water Agency is active in the wider Danube Region with development project Water Agent. Important partners in this are certainly schools. Through the project children indicate a change in daily habits, learn about water problems of pollution and waste water treatment, water cycles in nature and urban communities etc. During the European Sustainable Development Week we will implement activities in the Primary School Lava Celje and in cooperation with the Museum of Contemporary History in Celje. Primary School Lava is one of the most environmentally profiled schools with the practice of educating children about sustainable development. Water Agents and Herman the Fox will introduce children to the world and paths of water through a lot of riddles, games and fun. Children will discover the invisible world of water and sewage infrastructure, learn how household toilets work, and make water purifiers. They will become real Water Agents. This event is certainly intended to their parents and the interested general public, too, because education in this area is very important.

Društvo vodna agencija je z razvijanjem projekta Vodni agent aktivno v donavski regiji. Pomemben partner pri tem so vsekakor šole. Otroke skozi projekt usmerjamo k spreminjanju vsakodnevnih navad pri 'rokovanju' z vodo, spoznajo težave onesnaževanja vode, čiščenja odpadnih vod, vodne cikluse v naravi in urbanih skupnostih itn. V evropskem tednu trajnostnega razvoja bomo s sodelovanjem z Muzejem novejše zgodovine Celje izvajali aktivnosti na Osnovni šoli Lava. Osnovna šola Lava je ena od zelo ekološko usmerjenih šol, ki svoje učence izobražuje o trajnostnem razvoju. Vodni agenti in Lisjak Herman bodo otroke skozi igro in dobro zabavo seznanili s svetom, vodnimi potmi ter jim odgovorili na mnoga vprašanja. Otroci bodo odkrivali nevidni svet vodovodne in kanalizacijske infrastrukture, spoznali bodo, kako delujejo domača stranišča, delali čistilce vod. Dogodek je vsekakor namenjen tudi njihovim staršem in zainteresirani širši javnosti, saj je izobraževanje na tem področju zelo pomembno. 

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