Vodna postaja – delavnice na prostem

Otroke skozi dogodek usmerjamo k spreminjanju vsakodnevnih navad pri ‘rokovanju’ z vodo, spoznajo težave onesnaževanja vode, čiščenja odpadnih vod, vodne cikluse v naravi in urbanih skupnostih itn.

The Water agency Association is developing the project Water Actively in the Danube region. Of course, schools are important partners in this. Through the project, children are directed to changing the everyday habits of ‘handling’ with water, getting to know the problems of water pollution, waste water treatment, water cycles in nature and urban communities, etc.

With the Water Station, the technical elements needed to get water to the pipe and how to get back to nature. Create a mini cleaner. Children will discover the invisible world of plumbing and sewage infrastructure, they will learn about how to work on their toilets, work water purifiers. The event is also intended for their parents and interested public, as education in this field is very important.

Objective: rational use of water and prevention of unnecessary water pollution.

Društva vodna agencija kot partner ETTR -  vseevropske pobude za vzpodbujanje trajnostnega razvoja med 23.majem in 12. junijem z izvaja izobraževalne delavnice na prostem v 6. državah Podonavja. Pomemben partner pri tem so vsekakor šole. Otroke skozi projekt usmerjamo k spreminjanju vsakodnevnih navad pri 'rokovanju' z vodo, spoznajo težave onesnaževanja vode, čiščenja odpadnih vod, vodne cikluse v naravi in urbanih skupnostih itn.

Z Vodno postajo bomo sodelujočim v projektu Vodni agent predstavili tehnične elemente, ki so potrebni da pride voda do pipe in kako se vrne nazaj v naravo.

Odkrivali bomo koliko energije porabimo pri transportu vode in čiščenju odplak.  Izdelali mini čistilno napravo.

Cilj: racionalna raba vode in preprečevanje nepotrebnega onesnaževanja vode.

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