Vključujoča šola

Po ogledu kratkih filmov bo sledila delavnica in razprava o tem, kako zelo je pomembno da se vsak od nas počuti sprejet.

Short films on the diversity of cultures, tolerance, respect for the diversity created within the framework of the RISE (Roma Inclusive School Experience) project will be an introduction to the workshop and a discussion on how important it is for each of us to feel at school and be happy going to school. This also makes learning more successful. We will also see an exhibition of outputs that were created within the project, namely didactic tools that can be used in the classroom. Awareness raising to combat discrimination is the foundation of a better future for all and a cornerstone of sustainable development.

Kratki filmčki o raznolikosti kultur, strpnosti, spoštovanju drugačnosti, ki so nastali v okviru projekta Rise (Roma Inclusive School Experience) bodo uvod v delavnico in razpravo o tem, kako je pomembno, da se prav vsak od nas počuti v šoli sprejet in z veseljem hodi v šolo. S tem je tudi pri učenju bolj uspešen. Ogledali si bomo tudi razstavo izdelkov, ki so nastali v okviru projekta, in sicer didaktičnih pripomočkov, ki se jih lahko uporabi pri pouku. Ozaveščanje za boj proti diskriminaciji je temelj lepše prihodnosti vseh in temelj trajnostnega razvoja.

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