Promotion of Pop-up Rural social Innovation hubs

After successful testing of pilot pop-up rural social innovation on the island Vis, students are reviewing possibilities for further development of projects and of the rural popup hub itself

Testing of the pop-up social innovation rural hub on the island Vis was carried out in cooperation with LAG Škoji. Students of the VERN’ University have been involved in the work and consulting of local projects:

1. New Issa – World Center for Island Life and Culture (Anatomy of the Island)

2. Raising a large orchard and producing syrups and jams (Fissa)

3. Facilities for Student Entrepreneurship (High School AMK Vis)

4. Dry Stone Walls / Suhozid (Association Pomalo, Komiza)

5. Project – care for the elderly; laundry project (Help Center, Komiža)

Prior to working with these projects, students were provided with basic information on them, as well as a comprehensive project on the development of rural hubs and their role in the development of the local community, as well as for instructions regarding the use of a methodology developed for this purpose. On the event, 5.6.2019. the results will be presented.

Testiranje pop-up društveno-inovativnog ruralnog huba na otoku Visu, izvedeno je u suradnji s LAG Škoji. Studenti Veleučilišta VERN' su se uključili u rad i savjetovanje lokalnih projekata:

1. Nova Issa - svjetski centar za otočni život i kulturu (Anatomija otoka)

2. Podizanje velikog voćnjaka i proizvodnja sirupa i džemova (Fissa)

3. Zgrada učeničkog poduzetništva (Srednja škola AMK Vis)

4. Suhozid (Udruga Pomalo, Komiža)

5. Projekt - briga za starije osobe; projekt praonica rublja (Centar za pomoć, Komiža)

Studenti su prije rada s navedenim projektima unaprijed dobili osnovne informacije o tim projektima, te o cjelovitom projektu razvoja ruralnih hubova i njihove uloge u razvoju lokalne zajednice, kao i upute u vezi s korištenjem metodologije razvijene u tu svrhu. Na eventu 5.6.2019. predstavljaju rezultate. 

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