Project First Generation: panel “Cooperation with youth for Agenda 2030” and exhibition “First Generation and Agenda 2030”

The panel “Cooperation with Youth for Agenda 2030” and exhibition “First Generation and Agenda 2030”.

FirstGeneration is launched by the Swedish government to raise awareness among youth about the SDGs. The project in Croatia is organized by the Embassy of Sweden, Terra Hub, Odraz and WWF Adria. Schools had to create a poster that refers to one SDGs that relates to climate. Five best posterswillbe joined to the exhibition created by the Swedish Institute. The exhibition will be shown from 30.05. to 05.06. at the Student Center in Zagreb. On the day of the opening, a panel discussion “Cooperation with youth for Agenda 2030” will take place at the same venue with participants from business, public, academic sector and students. FirstGeneration was launched in Croatia in 2017 and was supported by the Ministry of Science and Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Association of Cities and School of International Relations and Diplomacy Dag Hammarskjöld. In all three years the project engaged more than 100 schools and around 400 young people.

Prvu generaciju pokrenula je vlada Švedske kako bi podigla razinu svijesti među mladima o Ciljevima održivog razvoja. Projekt u Hrvatskoj organiziraju Veleposlanstvo Švedske, Terra Hub, Odraz i WWF Adria. Škole su trebale izraditi poster koji se odnosi na jedan SDG povezan s klimom. Najboljih 5  plakata poostaje dio izložbe koju je osmislio Švedski Institut. Izložba je od 30.05. do 05.06. u Studentskom centru u Zagrebu. Na dan otvaranja izložbe, održat će se panel "Suradnja s mladima za Agendu 2030."  sa sudionicima iz poslovnog, javnog, akademskog sektora i  učenicima. PrvaGeneracija je pokrenuta u Hrvatskoj 2017. godine i podržana je od Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja, Ministarstva vanjskih poslova, Udruge gradova i Škole međunarodnih odnosa i diplomacije Dag Hammarskjöld. U sve tri godine, u projektu je sudjelovalo više od 100 škola i oko 400 mladih.

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