Processing of waste raw materials in the home mode transformation

In the real world, raw materials are waste for me as cubes, which can be assembled according to our needs. Why do something work if it’s already done? We can build products that we want.

Processing of waste raw materials in the home mode transformation


-Would you like to deal with the processing of waste materials?

– Do you think this could be interesting and financially profitable?

-Do you think anyone would deal with this rubbish?

Sounds a bit funny. Who would deal with the rubbish? I have a lot of smarter work.

What if things are not the same as we think? Mr. Jonas is in the show it’s nice to be a millionaire asking questions. His favorite question was: think or do you know.

What we think or others force us to think is one thing, which we are firmly convinced and gained by our own experience is completely different.

That’s the case with that. It is useful, useful for everyone, opens up new opportunities, raises culture, improves relations between people, protects the environment and improves the economic and financial status, quality of life.

Why waste the opportunity to improve the living conditions of prejudice or ignorance? They say that nobody returns a lost opportunity.

What is the system of recovering waste materials in the domestic way? Cube stacking is known around the world. We can build products that we want, depending on our knowledge and imagination.

In the real world, raw materials are waste for me as cubes, which can be assembled according to our needs. Why do something work if it’s already done?

The product must provide usability, functionality, aesthetics and without harm to the environment.


 Predelava odpadnih surovin na domači način


-ali bi se ukvarjali s predelavo odpadnih surovin ?

-mislite, da bi to lahko bilo zanimivo in finančno donosno ?

-ali mislite kdo se bo ukvarjal s temi smetmi ?

Sliši se malo smešno. Kdo bi se ukvarjal s smetmi ? Imam veliko pametnejšega dela.

Kaj pa, če stvari niso takšne kot se nam zdijo ? G. Jonas je v oddaji lepo je biti miljonar postavljal vprašanja. Njegovo najljubše vprašanje je bilo : mislite ali veste.

Kaj mislimo oziroma nam drugi vsiljujejo mišljenje je eno, kar pa smo trdno prepričani in pridobimo z lastnimi izkušnjami je pa popolnoma drugo.

Tako je tudi s to zadevo. Je koristna, uporabna za vsakogar, odpira nove možnosti, dviga kulturo, izboljšuje odnose med ljudmi, varuje okolje in izboljšuje ekonomsko in finančno stanje, kvaliteto življenja.

Zakaj bi si zapravili priložnost, da si izboljšamo pogoje življenja zaradi predsodkov ali neznanja? Pravijo, da priložnost izgubljena ne vrne se nobena.

Kaj je sistem predelave odpadnih surovin na domači način? Zlaganje kock je poznano po celem svetu. Lahko sestavljamo izdelke kakršne želimo, odvisno od našega znanja in domišljije.

V realnem svetu so zame odpadne surovine kot kocke, katere lahko sestavimo po naših potrebah. Zakaj bi nekaj delali, če je že narejeno.

Izdelek mora zagotavljati uporabnost, funkcionalnost, estetiko in brez škode za okolje.


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