Prevention of Disease and Promotion of Health through Digital Media – Mobile Application “All About Hepatitis”

Download “Sve o hepatitisu” mobile app on Google play / App Store or visit with the aim of education and prevention of viral hepatitis, preserving and improving health.

The application is available in GooglePlay and AppStore as an interactive, engaging and effective way of educating citizens and providing recommendations on testing for people at a higher risk of infection (Risk calculator, Ask an expert, Testing and treatment reminder, educative content). The aim is to raise the level of knowledge and awareness, contribute to the prevention of viral hepatitis, increased vaccination coverage and other forms of protection, timely and successful treatment, and ultimately achieving the best health outcomes for citizens in Croatia and beyond.

Aplikacija je dostupna u GooglePlay i AppStore-u kao interaktivan, privlačan i učinkovit način edukacije građana i pružanja preporuka o testiranju osobama u većem riziku od zaraze (Kalkulator rizika, Pitaj stručnjaka, Podsjetnik testiranja ili liječenja, edukativni sadržaji). Svrha je povećanje razine znanja i svijesti, doprinos prevenciji virusnih hepatitisa, povećani obuhvat cijepljenjem i drugim oblicima zaštite, pravovremeno i uspješno liječenje, te u konačnici ostvarenje najboljih zdravstvenih ishoda za građane Republike Hrvatske, a i šire.

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