Potentials of green technologies for a sustainable future/Potenciali zelenih tehnologij za trajnostno prihodnost

The Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning invites to a consultation on potentials of green technologies for a sustainable future.

ETTR (European Sustainable Development Week) is an opportunity to get familiar with the achievements of research and development and innovation projects, which could contribute to a significant reduction of the environmental burden in Slovenia. This is one of the key development tasks in Slovenia, which, with smartly designed measures, can contribute not only to the competitiveness of the companies involved, but also to the prosperity of all residents, both of the future and the present generation.

ETTR (ESDW – European Sustainable Development Week) je priložnost, da se seznanimo tudi z dosežki raziskovalnih in razvojno-inovacijskih projektov, ki bi lahko z uporabo v širšem merilu prispevali k bistvenemu zmanjšanju obremenitev okolja v Sloveniji. To je ena ključnih razvojnih nalog naše države, ki lahko ob pametno zasnovanih ukrepih prispeva ne samo h konkurenčnosti vključenih podjetij, ampak k blaginji vseh prebivalcev, tako prihodnjih kot sedanje generacije.

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