Our daily plastic: roundtable

Ecologists Without Borders are organising an event to present the project “Plastika naša vsakdanja” (Our daily plastic), the discovered problems and talk with experts about solutions.

Ecologists Without Borders are organising an event to present the project “Plastika naša vsakdanja” (Our daily plastic), the discovered problems and talk with experts about solutions.

If we want to achieve our SDG goals until 2030, we need to start acting today. In the past year we were researching which materials are most commonly used for packaging, what is happening with (plastic) packaging waste after it is separately collected, how much of it is actually recycled, how we can raise recycling rates and most of all, how we can reduce the amount of single use (plastic) packaging and waste we are generating.

V našem življenju se moramo s problematiko plastike spoprijeti še preden se naberejo kupi na odlagališčih in postane mikriplastika glavni vir prehrane morskih živali. Ekologi brez meja vemo, da je po toči zvoniti prepozno. Ukrepati moramo danes in ne leta 2030. Zato smo v projektu Plastika naša vsakdanja od številnih deležnikov, ki so povezani s to problematiko, popisali težave in možne rešitve. Pregledali smo tudi v običajen nakupovalni voziček vsakogar od nas in preverili, koliko plastične embalaže je v njem.

Rezultate enoletnega raziskovalnega dela bomo prestavili na Strokovni kavarni.

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