Nahranimo Hrvatsku – Let’s feed Croatia

The main objective of the project is networking among micro donors and humanitarian organizations, in order to simplify the donating process by Chatbot, a virtual assistant inside FB Messenger.

Chatbot – through the support of this channel, micro donators can donate goods and services, while raising the awareness about the benefits of the donating process. At the same time, by participating in the process, the amount of waste is reduced as well, because in this way the food – which would be otherwise thrown away – is donated to the ones in need.

Depending on the location on which the customer is located, the virtual assistant notifies them about the nearest food banks and humanitarian organizations that collect donations for the ones in need. In this way, humanitarian organizations are able to collect donations easier. As the number of donation grows, the end users are being in better position, because it gives them a better chance to access larger amount of donated goods and utensils, which makes their daily life easier and improves their overall wellbeing.

The Chatbot consists of 5 categories: food, hygiene supplies, furniture, clothes/shoes and orthopedic utensils.

Chatbot Portal Dobrote predstavlja jedinstveni kanal komunikacije koji pojednostavljuje proces doniranja i čini ga bržim i efikasnijim. Kroz njega mali donatori (kućanstva) lakše doniraju te osvještavaju i razvijaju kulturu doniranja. Istovremeno smanjuju otpad jer hranu i ostale stvari koje bi inače bacili, uz pomoć chatbota poklanjaju potrebitima. Ovisno o lokaciji na kojoj se korisnici trenutno nalaze virtualni asistent ih obavještava o najbližim socijalnim samoposlugama, pučkim kuhinjama i udrugama koje prikupljaju pomoć za svoje štićenike. Na ovaj način i humanitarne organizacije lakše prikupljaju donacije jer im chatbot omogućava da svoje trenutne potrebe komuniciraju većem broju potencijalnih donatora. Povećani broj donacija krajnjim korisnicama omogućava pristup većim donacijama hrane i potrepština što doprinosi poboljšanju njihovog materijalnog stanja. Chatbot sadrži 5 kategorija - hrana, higijenske potrepštine, namještaj, odjeća/obuća, ortopedska pomagala.

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