IAAF World Challenge Paavo Nurmi Games

Paavo Nurmi Games is an international athletics event and part of IAAF World Challenge-meetings. The event represents the active city culture of the city of Turku and values the Legacy of Paavo Nurmi.

The first Paavo Nurmi Games was arranged in 1957 as a birthday present to Nurmi on his 60th birthday. During his career Nurmi took 9 Olympic Gold medals and was among the first athletes to be nominated in the IAAF Hall of Fame. The tradition has gone on ever since and the event is held every year at the Paavo Nurmi Stadium named after the legendary runner.

Paavo Nurmi Games is expanding and evolving. Since 2017 the meeting will be a part of the IAAF World Challenge -series. Furthermore, various side events in celebration of Nurmi’s achievements, such as Paavo Nurmi Junior Games, Paavo’s Sports Day and Paavo Nurmi Marathon, will be held throughout the festival weeks. 

The event represents the active city culture of the city of Turku. In 2017 the event was awarded Ekokompassi-certificate for its environmental and sustainability work. Through the environmental programme the event is aiming to promote and support Finnish circural economy innovations and engage the athletes, partners, volunteers and the audience to more sustanainable way of creating events in cities.

Paavo Nurmi Games on osa Paavo Nurmen muistoa kunnioittavaa Paavo Nurmi Festivalia. Turun Urheiluliitto järjesti ensimmäiset Paavo Nurmen kisat suurjuoksijalleen Paavo Nurmelle 60-vuotissyntymäpäivälahjaksi kesäkuussa 1957. Ilmapiiri ja tunnelma ovat Turun jokirannassa ja kauniilla luonnonläheisellä stadionilla unohtumaton kokemus.Festivaali on sitoutunut vihreän kaupunkikulttuurin edistämiseen ja on vuonna 2018 Ekokompassi-tapahtuma. Pyrimme minimoimaan tapahtumasta aiheutuvan ympäristöjalanjäljen ja haluamme sitoa koko Paavo Nurmi-yhteisön mukaan kestävään kehitykseen!  Tervetuloa viettämään kesäiltaa Suomen Turkuun!

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