Half Day Conference – Social Realities

Ensuring Sustainable Development is now no longer a moral requirement but a legal one.The aim to raise awareness about the changing social realities of the Maltese society, targeting vulnerable groups

This half-day conference shall aim to raise awareness about the changing social realities of the Maltese society, targeting specific vulnerable groups. Relevant stakeholder will also have the opportunity to discuss and come up with recommendations towards further poverty reduction and the promotion of social inclusion. 

Din il-konferenza ta 'nofs in-nhar hija mmirata sabiex tqajjem kuxjenza dwar ir-realtajiet soċjali li qed jinbidlu fis-soċjetà Maltija, partikularment lejn gruppi vulnerabbli speċifiċi. Il-partijiet interessati se jkollhom ukoll l-opportunità li jiddiskutu u joħorġu rakkomandazzjonijiet lejn aktar tnaqqis tal-faqar u l-promozzjoni tal-inklużjoni soċjali.

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