Fight Food Waste with Too Good To Go at Frederiksberg!

Too Good To Go is at Frederiksberg to bring awareness to the importance of reducing food waste! Join us at Frederiksberg Runddel and meet Food Waste Warriors for a chat and participate in our contest.

As a part of ESDW Too Good To Go is visiting Frederiksberg Runddel on June 6th to focus even more on reducing food waste. Visit for a chat, to participate in our contest and to meet inspiring people with a passion for fighting food waste.

Too Good To Go is an app that helps stores sell their left over food – instead of throwing it away. Since the launch in January 2016 the users of Too Good To Go have rescued more than 4 million meals. The rescued meals is the equivalent of the reduction of 8000 tons CO2 emission, which is the equivalent of driving a car non-stop for 800 years. The app is currently active in Denmark, Norway, Germany, UK, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

Too Good To Go is helping UN reach Goal 12 to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

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I anledningen af ESDW besøger Too Good To Go Frederiksberg Runddel d. 6. juni, hvor der vil være fokus på reducering af madspild. Kom forbi til en snak om madspild, deltage i en konkurrence og mød inspirerende gæster med en passion for reducering af madspild.

Too Good To Go er en madspild-app, der hjælper fødevareforretninger med at sælge deres overskydende mad. Siden appens launch i januar 2016 har brugerne af Too Good To Go reddet mere end 4 millioner måltider. De reddede antal måltider svarer til en reducering af CO2-udledning på 8000 tons. Det svarer til at køre i bil uafbrudt i 800 år! Appen findes pt. i 8 lande – Danmark, Norge, Tyskland, England, Frankrig, Belgien, Holland og Schweiz.

Too Good To Go er med til at opnå FN’s 12 mål om ansvarligt forbrug og produktion.

Too Good To Go er med til at opnå FN’s 12. mål om ansvarligt forbrug og produktion.

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