Education about Drinking Water

Acquiring knowledge about the importance of drinking water. Develop responsibility for nature and natural resources, especially groundwater.

VG Vodoopskrba d.o.o. as a public water supply provider in the area of Velika Gorica, joins the Water Agent project in co-operation with the Water Agency of Rogaška Slatina. The activities related to the European Week will be held in primary school Šćitarjevo, a historic settlement near Velika Gorica. In addition to the practical and educational workshop that will be realized along with the mobile water station, we will present the technical components of water supply and sewerage to the children, and in the theoretical part talk about drinking water, the importance of water for human health and water protection as an important natural resource. We will present the way of water from the starting point (pumping), delivering to the pipeline system, monitoring and water safety, and collecting and transporting waste water to the wastewater treatment plant. Since the school has its own wastewater treatment system we can clearly demonstrate the whole process.

Tvrtka VG Vodoopskrba d.o.o. kao javni isporučitelj vodne usluge na području grada Velike Gorice pridružuje se projektu Vodni agent u suradnji sa Vodnom agencijom iz Rogaške Slatine. Predmetne aktivnosti vezane za Europski tjedan održat će se u osnovnoj školi Šćitarjevo, povijesnom naselje u blizini Velike Gorice. Uz praktičnu i edukativnu radionicu koja će se realizirati uz pokretnu vodnu postaju djeci ćemo prezentirati tehničke komponente vodovoda i kanalizacije, a u teoretskom dijelu govoriti o vodi za piće, važnosti vode za ljudsko zdravlje, zaštiti vode, vodi kao važnom prirodnom resursu. Predstavit ćemo put vode od polazne točke (crpljenja), dostave do korisnika sustavom cjevovoda, nadzoru i sigurnosti vode te prikupljanju i transportu otpadne vode do uređaja za preradu otpadne vode. Obzirom da škola ima vlastiti sustav za preradu otpadne vode moći ćemo jasno pokazati cijeli proces.

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