Balneo-tourism by Clusters in Transylvania

Transylvania Balneotourism Cluster is facilitating the cooperation of actors in international level with the aim to rebuild the culture of balneary tourism for a healthy society.

In the last few years there was concretized that Europe has to specialize their regions in order to grow but what smart specialization really means? Clusters in Romania analyzed this topic from the point of view of the Romanian ecosystem and the conclusion is that smartness means to focus on your values and protect the resources.

It an accepted wisdom that Romania is a really rich country concerning natural heritage. More than 3000 mineral water spring are meandering for centuries across Romania and hundreds through Transylvania. Why is so special Transylvania? Because beside of the mineral water springs there are moffets (natural gas), mud and fresh air. Some elements of nature which defines a special science: balneology. There was a time when Romania was a famous destination for European nobles. Resorts like Valcele, Malnas Bai, Baile Tusnad and others had a unexplainable atmosphere beside the touristic attractiveness. People used to come to heel their body, mind and soul.

Nowadays we have to assist to the degradation of the countryside and to an unhealthy urbanization where being busy and stressed is the biggest trend.

Transylvania Regional Balneotourism Cluster worked out a concept which can provide solution for deserted villages and burned out society. There are 7 elements of resort with balneary potential which should function in synergy in order to become an oasis of health: surrounding nature, the image of the resort, treatment bases & natural resources, experts in balneology, experts in tourism, local community and the target group.

The cluster mapped 34 settlements in the Centru Region of Romania – South Transylvania with substantial and various natural resource with healing effect and in the perception of the cluster these areas should have a special status on national level.

The special status means advantages and special focus to the elements, joint efforts on behalf of the actors, collaboration and joint strategy and implementation of project which will fit in the regional concept provided by the cluster.

The mission of the cluster is to reconstitute the culture of balneotourism, culture which can contribute to the wellbeing and health of the society. This is possible only though a comprehensive collaboration of the actors from different sectors: business, academia and research, policy makers and catalysts. Balneology is the science of heath & wellbeing though nature. On 30th of May within European Sustainable Development Week 2018 members and cluster partners will discuss about the topic identifying pilot actions in this sense. The meeting is part of a 4-day-long study visit where the most precision health springs will be visited by a delegation of balneologists and other experts. The meeting also aims to initiate collaboration on international level and to set up the root of a network between clusters from health tourism.  

Cluster Regional Balneoturistic Transylvania a dezvoltat un concept privind reconstituirea culturii balneare in România. Această ambiție ar contribui la implementarea a mai multor obiective de dezvoltare sustenabilă. Mediul rural este în declin, resursele naturale existente ori nu sunt valorificate ori sunt exploatate în mod nesustenabil iar oamenii din mediul urban se confruntă cu boli cum este stresul, burn out, alergii, etc. În acest sens crearea oazelor de relaxare și liniște devine relevantă și esențială. Clusterul facilitează conlucrarea între actori din diferite sectoare la nivel național și internațional pentru a dezvolta și a implementa acest concept. În data de 30 May va avea loc o discuție unde vor participa balneologi din afara granițelor pentru a identifica puncte comune de colaborare. Masa rotundă face parte dintr-o vizită de studiu de 4 zile.   

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