Awareness-Raising Event on Responsible Consumption and Production

This public event will be addressing both the environmental and economical dimensions of Sustainable Development in Malta shedding light on the sustainable production and consumption of food.

This event will include information sessions on the proper management of food from its production until its disposal. It will bring together representatives from the public and private sector as well as civil society organisation who will offer information, advice and practical suggestions on how to introduce or reinforce good waste management practices, handling, storing and cooking with left-over food as well as information on the process of home composting. The event also provides musical entertainment and food stalls with typical traditional food and refreshments for visitors.

Dan l-avveniment se jinkludi sessjonijiet ta 'informazzjoni dwar l-immaniggjar xierq tal-ikel mill-produzzjoni sad-dispożizzjoni tiegħu. Ser iġib flimkien rappreżentanti mis-settur pubbliku u privat kif ukoll l-organizzazzjoni tas-soċjetà ċivili li se joffru informazzjoni, pariri u suġġerimenti prattiċi dwar kif jintroduċu jew isaħħu prattiċi tajbin ta 'immaniggjar ta' skart, u tisjir ta 'ikel li jkun għad fadal kif ukoll informazzjoni dwar il-proċess tal-kompostjar tad-dar.Dan l-avveniment jipprovdi wkoll divertiment mużikali u ikel tradizzjonali tipiku u xorb għall-viżitaturi.

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