23rd Adult Education Colloquium

The event is dedicated to the revision of the existing Adult Education Master Plan which is a strategy in the field of adult education and lifelong learning based on the cooperation of nine ministries

The event is dedicated to the revision of the existing Adult Education Master Plan (AEMP) which is the strategy in the field of adult education and lifelong learning for the period 2013-2020 and is based on the cooperation of nine ministries. The new strategy will set priorities, goals and activities for the new decade and will again be based on intersectoral approach thereby contributing to the implementation of SDGs. This first consultation event organized for this purpose will serve for the identification of the AEMP’s range and relations with other relevant national strategies until 2030.

Dogodek je namenjen prenovi obstoječega Nacionalnega programa izobraževanja odraslih (NPIO) za obdobje 2013-2020, ki temelji na sodelovanju devetih ministrstev. Nova strategija bo opredelila prioritete, cilje in dejavnosti v novem desetletju. Ponovno bo zasnovana medsektorsko in bo pomenila prispevek k uresničevanju trajnostnih razvojnih ciljev (SDG). Ta prvi posvetovalni dogodek v zaporedju večih tovrstnih bo namenjen premisleku o dometu NPIO in njegovih realcijah do drugih nacionalnih strategij do leta 2030.

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