Atelier Nos vies Bas Carbone

On Saturday 14 September, from 9am to 12pm, sign up for an educational and collaborative workshop to become a committed citizen of tomorrow's Réunion.

On Saturday 14 September, from 9am to 12pm, sign up for an educational and collaborative workshop to become a committed citizen of tomorrow's Réunion.

Would you like to find out about your carbon footprint and understand how low-carbon lives are necessary, possible and desirable? Then take part in one of our citizen workshops, ‘Inventing our low-carbon lives’, led by Giovanni.


Samedi 14 septembre, de 9h00 à 12h00, inscris toi à un atelier pédagogique et collaboratif pour devenir un. engagé.e pour La Réunion de demain.

Tu souhaites découvrir ton empreinte carbone, comprendre en quoi des vies bas carbone sont à la fois nécessaires, possibles et désirables ? Participe à l’un de nos ateliers citoyens, “Inventons nos vies bas carbone”, animé par Giovanni.

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10, chemin Bailly
LA MONTAGNE - Cafe Domoun




9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Café Domoun


Giovanni PAYET