
Explore the activities, events and projects that are registered to take place in Spain. Click on the pins in the interactive map, or select a project form the list to see more details.

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34 Initiatives

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18 September 24 AT 10:30 am LAS ROZAS DE MADRID


Presentation of the Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) LOCAL GREEN DEALS (LGD) and commitments the Eco-Schools Network has in order to achieve the goal: Las Rozas Net Zero 2030.
02 October 24 AT 9:00 am Zaragoza

I Congreso de Ingeniería Circular de la Cátedra SOCOTEC: Los CAE, clave para la eficiencia energética en Aragón

El II Congreso de Circularidad pondrá el foco en los CAE. A través de este evento, buscamos promover la implementación de medidas de eficiencia energética.
07 October 24 AT 12:00 pm Clínic Barcelona Hospital - Villarroel Headquarters

Conference Good governance, sustainability, and values in the healthcare sector and the SDGs Clínic Barcelona Awards

Clínic Barcelona organise a sectoral conference to promote good governance, value-based management, and sustainability in the healthcare sector, where will be presented the SDGs Awards.
30 September 24 AT 5:30 pm Barcelona

Webinar Online - Criterios de sostenibilidad y descarbonización en proyectos de urbanización.

Webinar "Criterios de sostenibilidad y descarbonización en proyectos de urbanización". Con Violeta Passarell y David Lozano del equipo de Obra Civil de SOCOTEC
01 October 24 AT 5:30 pm Barcelona

Masterclass Online sobre Aplicaciones de la Industrialización en proyectos de edificación en España

Masterclass Online sobre Aplicaciones de la Industrialización en proyectos de edificación en España. Con Josep Miñarro Director de Arquitectura de SOCOTEC
26 September 24 AT 10:00 am Labour Relations Council of Catalonia

How artificial intelligence, sustainability, the 2030 Agenda, and LGTBI equality can be promoted by collective bargaining?

The Labour Relations Council is organising free training to promote artificial intelligence, sustainability, 2030 Agenda and LGTBI equality through collective bargaining
16 September 24 AT 12:00 pm Labour Relations Council of Catalonia

Growing the RScat Community in Catalonia. Mapping of best practices and RScat Newsletter on sustainibility and decent work

A renewed RScat Map expands and updates information on the 170 best practices in sustainable management in Catalonia. The latest edition of the RScat Newsletter is also available.
30 September 24 AT 10:00 am Sagrada Familia, 7

Effects of the drought on agricultural and forestry biodiversity (conference)

This event will focus on the effects of drought on forestry and agricultural systems.
08 October 24 AT 3:30 pm Sagrada Familia, 7

Involvement in citizen science, from data collection to conservation management

Involvement in citizen science, from data collection to conservation management
18 September 24 AT 12:00 pm Málaga

Día Internacional de la Igualdad Salarial 2024 - Semana Europea del Desarrollo Sostenible 2024 (video)
18 September 24 AT 7:00 pm Málaga

Día Internacional de la Igualdad Salarial 2024 - Semana Europea del Desarrollo Sostenible 2024 (video corto)
19 September 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Las personas más ricas del mundo, evolución entre 2023 y 2024
07 October 24 AT 6:00 pm Auditori - planta -1

Taula rodona: Canvi Climàtic: Impactes físics i riscos financers. ''Nous reptes per al sector assegurador''

La sessió permetrà una conversa amb experts del món assegurador, del món financer i amb empreses de diferents sectors. Aprendrem sobre com estan enfrontant els reptes i oportunitats del canvi climàtic
20 September 24 AT 9:00 pm Málaga

Short video: One of the highest fines in the world in Finland 🇫🇮
28 September 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Método para ahorrar (ESDW 2024)
22 September 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Vídeo: Proyectos Mundiales: Arabia Saudí (ESDW 2024)
23 September 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Video corto: Paraísos fiscales: Islas Caimán 🇰🇾 🐊

Aprende educación financiera.
24 September 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Short video: Is Your Password Strong Enough? Protecting Your Digital World

In today's interconnected world, weak passwords like "123456" or "password" put individuals and businesses at risk of cyberattacks.
25 September 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Short video: The Cost of Making Money: Should We Rethink Small Coin Production?

Did you know that producing a 1-cent coin costs more than its actual value? 💶
26 September 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Short video: River Cleaning

The River Cleaning system by Mold uses floating buoys to divert plastic waste from rivers without additional energy, helping protect marine biodiversity and support sustainable development.
27 September 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Short Video: Venezuela's Coffee Price as Inflation Indicator

The Bloomberg Café con Leche Index reveals how inflation impacts Venezuela’s economy and challenges global efforts like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
28 September 24 AT 2:00 pm Málaga

Short Video: The First Millionaire Athlete from Ancient Rome

Gaius Appuleius Diocles, an ancient Roman chariot racer, became the first millionaire athlete, amassing a fortune that would be worth €12.7 billion today.
28 September 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Short Video: How Long Does It Take to Hack a "******" Password?

A "6 asterisks" password can be hacked in less than a second—stronger passwords are key to online security and a safer, more sustainable future.
29 September 24 AT 2:00 pm Málaga

Short Video: Is The Line Project Still Ongoing?

Despite downsizing to 2.4 km, The Line project is still moving forward, with potential to impact sustainable cities and communities (#SDG11).
29 September 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Short Video: Are Madrid and Barcelona Expensive Cities?

Barcelona ranks 89th and Madrid 92nd globally for cost of living, with housing being the most expensive factor.
30 September 24 AT 12:00 pm Málaga

Short video: What's the Best Long-Term Investment?

Making thoughtful, sustainable investment decisions can have a profound impact over time. By comparing different investment outcomes since 1896.
01 October 24 AT 12:00 pm Málaga

Short video: Can You Buy Passports?

Is selling citizenship through investment a sustainable and ethical solution for economic challenges?
02 October 24 AT 12:00 pm Málaga

Short video: What Happens If You Try to Photocopy a Banknote?

Discover the hidden security features in banknotes and why modern devices prevent their reproduction.
03 October 24 AT 12:00 pm Málaga

Short video: How Is Global Peace Linked to Sustainable Development?

Reflecting on the crucial link between global peace and sustainable development, we explore how achieving SDG 16 is essential for a secure and prosperous future.
04 October 24 AT 12:00 pm Málaga

Short video: Did You Know High Earners Pay Very Little Tax in Dubai?

Is it fair that high earners in Dubai pay significantly less in taxes compared to average earners?
05 October 24 AT 2:00 pm Málaga

Short video: How David Beckham's Strategic Move Changed Football and Business

David Beckham's strategic investment in MLS showcases how smart decisions can transform both football and sports business.
05 October 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Short video: Did You Know You Can Obtain Residency in Spain Through Investment?

Spain's "Golden Visa" program allows investors to obtain residency, but its announced end raises questions about future economic impacts.
06 October 24 AT 12:00 pm Málaga

Short video: Did You Know Repeating 'ñ' as a Password Can Be Hacked in Less Than a Second?

Learn why simple passwords are easily hacked and how to strengthen your online security.
06 October 24 AT 8:00 pm Málaga

Short video: How Do I Know What I Save Daily?

Learn how simple budgeting and daily tracking can boost your savings and help you reach your financial goals.