
Explore the activities, events and projects that are registered to take place in Germany. Click on the pins in the interactive map, or select a project form the list to see more details.

Register your idea to add to the list. This will be reviewed by the national focal point listed below before it is published on the website. In case you have questions concerning the organisation of activities, projects and events in your country please contact your national focal point.

Vom 18. September bis 08. Oktober 2024 finden die Deutschen Aktionstage Nachhaltigkeit 2024 statt - dabei stellen wir Biodiversität als diesjähriges Schwerpunktthema des Gemeinschaftswerkes in den Fokus. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass alle Aktionen zum Thema beitragen müssen. Es gilt nach wie vor, inhaltlicher Bezugspunkt für alle Aktionen ist die Agenda 2030 der Vereinten Nationen mit ihren 17 Nachhaltigkeitszielen (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs).

Seit dem 19. Juni können bereits Aktionen und Projekte für die Deutschen Aktionstage Nachhaltigkeit 2024 auf unserer Plattform eingetragen werden! Schaut dazu gerne hier vorbei: Unter dem Punkt „Mitmachen“ finden sich Fragen und Antworten rund um den Anmeldeprozess und unser Mobilisierungspaket zum Bewerben der Aktionen.

Wir freuen uns von euch zu hören und gemeinsam starkes Engagement für eine nachhaltigere Welt sichtbar zu machen!


7 Initiatives

National Focal Point

German Council for Sustainable Development


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18 September 24 AT 12:00 am multiple locations

Deutsche Aktionstage Nachhaltigkeit (The German Sustainability Action Days)

The goal of the Action Days is to make exemplary commitment visible throughout Germany to attract public attention to the topic of sustainability, and to encourage more people to act sustainably.
23 September 24 AT 8:30 am Diehl Meterin GmbH

#ESDW2024 – The social dimension of Diehl Metering

As a member of the Global Compact since 2021, Diehl Metering takes advantage of the ESDW to organize several workshops to explain sustainability at Diehl Metering.
23 September 24 AT 8:30 am Diehl metering GmbH

#ESDW2024 – The social dimension of Diehl Metering

As a member of the Global Compact since 2021, Diehl Metering takes advantage of the ESDW to organize several workshops to explain sustainability at Diehl Metering.
23 September 24 AT 8:30 am Diehl metering GmbH

#ESDW2024 – The social dimension of Diehl Metering

As a member of the Global Compact since 2021, Diehl Metering takes advantage of the ESDW to organize several workshops to explain sustainability at Diehl Metering.
23 September 24 AT 8:00 am Diehl Aviation

Diehl Aviation discusses the strategy for sustainability

Information about sustainability towards our internal stakeholder
07 October 24 AT 10:00 am Historische Stadthalle Wuppertal

10th Conference on Sustainable Development in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany)

We mark the tenth anniversary of this event, which has continued to grow since 2012! There will be an exciting stage programme as well as a "sustainability fair".
30 September 24 AT 3:00 pm Glockenstraße

Antibias Workshop