Event contributions to the ESDW from external sustainable development weeks (3.023 events + 928 on the map = 3.951 events)

For many years, the European Sustainable Development Week has been able to count on many parternships with sustaianble development weeks taking place in many European countries. These countries, listed below, have their own websites for registering sustainable development-related events. The ESDW encourages event organizers to register their events through those platforms, as their numbers will still count towards the ESDW's 2024 total! The links to the external websites and platforms can be found below, along with the number of event registrations (updated every Monday morning) of events taking place from 18 September - 08 October. 

Belgium3 events

Czech Republic - 110 events

Germany - 1.925 events

Finland - 212 events

Hungary - 718 events

Ireland (University of Galway SDG Week) - 25 events

Netherlands - 30 events

What is the European Sustainable Development Week?

The European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) was an initiative launched by Austria, France and Germany in 2015 and was supported by the European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN). The goal of the ESDW is to provide a platform and make exemplary commitment visible throughout all of Europe within a certain period of time (18 September - 08 October), to attract public attention to the topic of sustainable development, the UN 2030 Agenda, and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Everyone can change something for the better! The more people and organizations that participate, the stronger the signal we send out together!

Since 2015, a total of 46,786 events have been registered through the ESDW with tens of millions of participants having attended events! 

Since 2016, events registered through the ESDW have been explicitly linked to the SDGs. It is a wonderful way to showcase what individual countries and Europe are doing to reach the Goals.

Who can participate and register events?

Anyone who wants to take a concrete action to support the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Initiatives, foundations, schools, kindergartens, universities, churches, companies, social institutions, environmental and development associations, municipalities, public utilities, authorities, offices and ministries, but also private persons who would like to start an action in their personal environment.

You can register by clicking the Register Now button in the organge box below!

Which types of events can be registered?

The point of reference for all events is the United Nations' Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each participant of the ESDW is therefore asked to assign his or her commitment to the SDGs. 

It is important that your event takes place during the ESDW period from 18 September to 08 October 2024. In the case of events lasting several days, at least one day of the action must fall within the timeframe.

Events are those activities that make the diverse commitment to sustainable development in your country publicly visible. Whether it is a panel discussion, a sustainable cooking seminar or a clothing swap party, indoors or outdoors. Digital events, such as social media campaigns on sustainability are also possible.


Registration for activities for the ESDW 2024 is open to all forms of government agencies, research centers, educational institutions, museums, foundations, associations, businesses, non-governmental organizations, individual citizens, etc. We encourage everyone to take part and register your sustainable development related activity and become a part of this European-wide initiative! Registration is now open and will be open until the last day of the ESDW 2024 (08 October).

Register Now