Last updated on:
Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Coordination mechanisms exist at different levels and within different policy areas.

The fundamental aspects of SD, economic, social and environmental, are covered in the Swedish Constitution (chapter 1 para 2). Sweden also has comprehensive coherence policy.

All government decisions are taken collectively and preceded by a collective preparatory mechanism that include all relevant ministries. In March 2019 the national delegation submitted its proposals to the Government see above) . In order to further anchor overarching implementation efforts with the parliament and across all policy areas, the Government plans to submit a bill to the parliament setting out the overall direction for Sweden’s work on implementing the 2030 Agenda.

Between 2003 and 2007 Sweden had a Coordination Unit for SD. Its task was to coordinate SD within the Government Offices, function as a think-tank and promote the further development of the NSDS.

A working group on Green Economy with participants from different ministries has been established in 2010. The working group is led by the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications and meets regularly.

Within the Swedish Government Offices the coordinative responsibilities of the SDS are shared between several ministries. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the Ministry of the Environment, with support from other relevant ministries are responsible for the coordination of the Nordic SD cooperation. The EU SDS is coordinated by the Prime Minister’s Office while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for coordination of the global SD work.