Last updated on:
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Year of approval of the SD strategy and updates

The first National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSDS) was adopted by the Government in 2002 and implemented as a National Plan for Sustainable Development (SD) in 2004. A new NSDS was presented to the Norwegian Parliament as a chapter in the National Budget for 2008. The strategy was updated in 2011. In all subsequent National Budgets since 2007, the Government’s follow up of the NSDS has been reported in a separate chapter. All ministries and Statistics Norway contribute to the reporting.

Type of SD strategy

The NSDS covers both the economic, the environmental and the social dimension of SD. A set of SD indicators was developed in 2005, and has been developed since. The set, now consisting of 17 indicators, is is used to monitor the development. The ministries use the indicator set in their reports on sustainable development issues. Statistics Norway has a key role in the monitoring process through an annual report on developments in the indicators and an analysis of underlying factors behind changes.

Lead ministry/institution in the SD strategy process
Link to the SD strategy document

No information available. 

Further information about the SD strategy process

No information available.