Last updated on:
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Year of approval of the SD strategy and updates

The Spanish National Sustainable Development Strategy, SNSDS was adopted by the Council of Ministers in November 2007. It was developed within the framework of the renewed EU-SDS by an Inter-ministerial Group for the SNSDS under the coordination of the Economic Department of the Prime Minister’s Office with the participation of other ministries.

The strategy focuses on the environmental, social and economic dimension of sustainability, and approaches the high-priority areas defined in the European Strategy according to the three above mentioned dimensions. It also proposed the development of a set of indicators as a primary goal of the strategy.

To obtain an independent evaluation of its progress the Permanent Commission of the Government for Economic Matters (CDGAE in Spanish) would order monitor and assess the degree of application and success of the policies contained in the SNSDS. 

Type of SD strategy

SNSDS covers all three dimensions of SD: environmental, social and economic dimensions in a indicative manner.

Lead ministry/institution in the SD strategy process
Link to the SD strategy document
Further information about the SD strategy process

No information available.