Youth and creative reclying

From 30th May until 2nd an exhibition on reclying clothes and toys made with recicled materials will be open to the public. This event is organised in the frame of Co-creative Youth /Erasmus+

This event is organized in the frame of Co-Creative Youth Project within Erasmus+ programmed. The aim of the project is to establish relationships between waste management services, local communities and actors working in social and supportive economy in order to improve reclying and at the same time to favour social and labour inclusion of young people with lack of opportunities. This aim will be achieved through creative intelligence and co-design workshops.For that reason, during the European Sustainable Development Week we have organised an exhibition addressed to the general public, but moreover, young people. The exhibition will show the works made during the III marathon of recycled clothes. People will see the designs made with old clothing. This marathon is an initiative of the High School of Arts and Design, Fundació Deixalles and Consell de Mallorca. In the first stage we will find toys made with recycled materials. It is a part of an annual contest involving different schools in Mallorca. The exhibition will be open from 30th May until 2nd June. 

El evento se enmarca en el proyecto Co-creative Youth, dentro del programa europeo Erasmus+. El objetivo es establecer relaciones entre los servicios de gestión de residuos, colectivos locales, organismos de formación, empresas y actores de la economía social y solidaria con tal de mejorar el potencial dentro del mundo del reciclaje y al mismo tiempo favorecer la inserción social y profesional de jóvenes con dificultades a través de la inteligencia creativa y los talleres de codiseño.Por ello, durante la Semana Europea del Desarrollo Sostenible hemos organizado una exposición destinada al público en general, sobre todo, al público joven. En la planta baja se expondrán las obras realizadas durante la III maratón de diseño de ropa con telas recicladas, impulsada por la Escuela Superior de Artes y diseño de Baleares, la Fundación Deixalles y el Consell de Mallorca. En la primera planta se exhibirán juguetes fabricados con materiales reciclados. Forma parte de un concurso anual en el que participan diferentes escuelas de la isla. La exposición se podrá visitar durante los días 30 de mayo al 2 de junio.

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