Kohvikuöö 2017 /Café Night 2017

Café Night is a mixture of local permanent and pop-up cafés who bring up their tastes of fresh, tasty food and drinks (good coffee included), the spirit of Viljandi and people around for one night.

Café Night is a mixture of local permanent and pop-up cafés who bring up their tastes of fresh, tasty food and drinks (good coffee included), the spirit of Viljandi and people around for one night.Many local permanent and popup cafés are opening their doors at night to get inspired by night.Food menu, drinks, the programme – all will be influenced my night.And the local people will be ready to stay up all night long to host their guest and to make the best food ever in a small town like Viljandi.

Kohvikuöö on teist aastat toimuv kogukonda ja kohalike elanike tänapäeva toidukultuuri tutvustav öine ringkäik mööda Viljandi kesklinna, kus kohtuvad nii statsionaarsed kui pop-up kohvikud, rõõmsad ja sõbralikud viljandlased ning head maitsed nii toidu- kui joogimaailmast.Kohvikuid on kokku 20 ning kohvikukaardid on leitavad mai keskpaigast Viljandi erinevatest avalikest punktidest.FB event: KOHVIKUÖÖ 2017

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