Film Screening

The event will include the screening of 2016 documentary film Before the Flood directed by Fisher Stevens which talks about severe impacts of climate change across the globe.

Before the Flood is a powerful reminder of the devastating impacts of man-made global warming and climate changes which are deeply affecting our ecosystems, local communities and planet as a whole. According to the UN SDGs, climate change is the single biggest threat to development and its widespread, unprecedented impacts disproportionately affect the most vulnerable. The film conveys this sense of urgency and serves as a wakeup call for the humanity to work together in reversing the damage. Film’s topics are directly related to other SDGs, namely with Goal 14, which emphasizes the need to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources, as well as Goal 15, which aims to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss, since climate change is one of the biggest threats to biodiversity.The screening of the film is meant to raise awareness for SDGs, inform the participants and actively engage them in a discussion about the importance and implementation of SDGs.

Prije potopa snažan je podsjetnik na razorne posljedice globalnog zatopljenja i klimatskih promjena koje utječu na naše ekosustave, lokalne zajednice i planet kao cjelinu. Prema COR-ovima, klimatske promjene su najveća prijetnja razvoju, a njihovi negativni utjecaji nerazmjerno utječu na najranjivije zajednice.Teme filma izravno su povezane s drugim COR-ovima, posebno s Ciljem 14, koji naglašava potrebu očuvanja i održivog korištenja oceana, mora i morskih resursa, kao i Ciljem 15, koji ima za cilj zaštitu, vraćanje i promicanje održivog korištenja kopnenih ekosustava, borbu protiv dezertifikacije, zaustavljanje degradacije zemlje i gubitak bioraznolikosti, budući da su klimatske promjene jedna od najvećih prijetnji biološkoj raznolikosti.Prikazivanje filma podrazumijeva podizanje svijesti o COR-ovima, informiranje sudionika i aktivno uključivanje u raspravu o važnosti i provedbi COR-ova.

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