Eco-Sophia Caravan

Open public workshops on making picture frames, dolls and mosaics out of recycling materials.

This activity is a part of Erasmus+ project: Terra Community and Ethics of the Future which aims at developing collective and personal responsibiliy towards environment and developing awareness of need for protection of all living forms of life.Students and teachers will invite people to make new objects out of recycling materials. Special guests will be students and teachers from Special School ‘Šubićevac’.

Ova aktivnost je dio Erasmus+ projekta: Terra Community and Ethics of the Future, čiji je cilj razvijanje individualne i kolektivne odgovornosti prema okolišu te razvijanje svijesti o potrebi brige i zaštite svih živih bića. Učenici i učitelji će pozvati prolaznike da zajedno izrađuju nove predmete od recikliranog materijala. Posebni gosti biti će učenici i učitelji Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje 'Šubićevac'.

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