
Tracking dangerous substances

What is the status of soil and underground water pollution?  Is it monitored? What experience have enterprises gained in preparing baseline reports of soil and groundwater pollution with relevant hazardous substances. These are the main topics of our Business Environmental Day. We kindly invite IED enterprises (industry, energy, municipal services) and other companies producing goods and offering services, as well as enterprises operating in agriculture, offering monitoring services for soil and underground water, R&D organisations and state authorities to join us!

Kakšno je stanje onesnaženosti tal in podzemne vode? Kako ga spremljamo? Kakšne so izkušnje podjetij s pripravo poročil o stanju onesnaženosti tal in podzemne vode z zadevnimi nevarnimi snovmi? O tem bomo spregovorili na okoljskem dnevu gospodarstva.Okoljski dan je namenjen zavezancem IED (industrija, energetika, komunalna dejavnost) in tudi drugim podjetjem iz proizvodnih in storitvenih dejavnosti ter kmetijstva, izvajalcem obratovalnih monitoringov stanja tal in podzemne vode, RR institucijam in državni upravi.

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