Bio Jaska

Project aim is to encourage the inhabitants of the Jastrebarsko municipality to reduce the amount of garbage and to increase the collection of bio-waste.

Population Education- Benefits of bio-waste collecting- Production methods of compost and its application in everyday life and techniques for improvement of the compost qualityPlanned Actions- Creating posters on the topic of separation of waste- Creating a survey leaflet- Conducting of the survey on the method of separating waste in their household among High School students- Lecturing on the topic “How to make a compost”- Communication with the of the Jastrebarsko city administration in order to achieve the goals set by the project- Proposal for the distribution of free composters for home composting of bio-waste to Jastrebarsko citizens- Creating a brochure on composting, which would be given for free together with compostersBenefits for Citizens- reducing the expenses for humus- reducing the amount of mixed waste- reducing the waste management fees- reducing the negative impacts of bio-waste deposited at a mixed disposal area on climate changes

Edukacija stanovništva- Prednosti izdvajanja biootpada- Kvalitetni način odvajanja komposta - Primjene komposta u svakidašnjem životu - Metode za poboljšanje kvalitete kompostne hrpePlanirane akcije- Izrada postera na temu odvajanja komunalnog otpada- Izrada anketnog listića- Anketiranje učenika SŠJ o načinu odvajanja otpada u njihovom kućanstvu- Izrada prezentacije na temu „Izrada komposta“- komunikacija s čelnicima grada Jastrebarsko kako bi se dostigli ciljevi projekta- prijedlog za podjelu besplatnih kompostera za kućno kompostiranje biootpada građanima Jaske - prijedlog za tiskanje brošure „Kompost“ koju bi korisnici dobili besplatno uz kompostere Korist za građane- smanjenje izdataka za kupovinu humusa- smanjenje količine mješovitog otpada- smanjenje naknade za zbrinjavanje otpada- smanjenje negativnih utjecaja biootpada odloženog na mješovitom odlagalištu na klimatske promjene 

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